As a kid growing up in the 80's, I can remember just how big the NES really was. I mean, if you didn't have one, chances are you were playing one at a friend's house. If the latter is true, then it's safe to assume sleepovers were a common occurrence. I was one of those kids who had to sleep over at my friend Anthony's house in order to play Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt (at least until Christmas the following year), and It wasn't easy convincing my folks to buy into Nintendo after the great video game crash. My family owned an Atari 2600, so my parents weren't strangers to video game consoles, but due to all of the negative press video games were getting at the time, they were fairly skeptical about purchasing a new one. Luckily, with enough hounding, I was able to get them to see the light, and they bought an NES Action Set for my brother and I to share.
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NES page)